The ISMDC Dien Chan certification

The International School of Multireflexology - Dien Chan (ISMDC) has been the reference in the field since 2002, offering a serious and comprehensive certification for Dien Chan practitioners.

Our students receive a complete and structured education, adapted for adults, with which you will be ready to practice quickly. Our trainers are experienced professionals who transmit the original method.

Thanks to our internationally recognized certification, you can continue your training anywhere in the world with another ISMDC certified trainer. We are even invited to participate in numerous international symposiums and conferences to share our expertise.

By choosing ISMDC, students can be assured of receiving quality training and being able to pursue their professional careers under the best conditions.

The ISMDC certification is a guarantee of quality for the patients of our professional students.

You will benefit from a training program faithful to the original Dien Chan method, a program shared by all trainers, and the guarantee of a serious and quality education.
Join us now and become an expert in Multireflexology - Dien Chan!

We are your guarantee that:

We offer for each course:

If you have trained elsewhere...

Dien Chan Course

Some of our former students have improvised as teachers of Dien Chan, Dien Cham, facial reflexology, cybertherapy, etc.; we cannot evaluate the acquired skills.

If you wish to continue your training with ISMDC, you will be required to start with the first DienChan❜reflex module. This would be extremely annoying—for you, as well as for us—if we were to realize that the knowledge taught in our course modules is not assimilated. You would not be able to fully benefit from the program.

To avoid this unpleasant confusion —and believe us, with our great experience— we can only accept those who have completed numerous levels elsewhere in Chan❜beauté. We believe that you must have at least integrated the useful basics of Dien Chan.

All dates are published in the

Check out the ISMDC trainers' curriculums on

Read the chapter on "How to choose your training?" to learn more.