Natural aesthetics and holistic well-being

This is an innovative approach to aesthetic and well-being care. We all know that our skin reflects our overall state of health.
Chan❜beauté uses the location of skin imperfections to precisely define reflex zones on the face or body to stimulate.
It is this facial diagnosis that directs us to the root of the imbalance.

Listening, questioning, and touch (manual or with accessories) complete this approach, whose surprising effectiveness is attracting more and more æstheticians who want to enrich their care with a therapeutic dimension.

In order to practice Chan❜beauté, you must first have assimilated the main Dien Chan diagrams of reflexion and know how to handle the yin and yang effects of the instruments.
It is the knowledge acquired with (at least) the first training module (DienChan❜reflex) that will allow you to serenely use the powers of Chan❜beauté.

In Chan❜beauté, we act deeply to achieve lasting results.

It is not simply a matter of rolling the face with a multireflex tool. Although this action is pleasant and successful in mobilizing deep nutrients, it is only the first step.
The important thing is to be able to structure your care in order to reach the root of the imperfection that you wish to treat.

Many aestheticians with eco-responsible concerns know that it is high time to take the plunge and push the limits of their offers.
But indeed, stimulating reflex zones on the face is not as simple as slathering on a magic cream!
You need to understand and learn Chan❜beauté.

The basics of Dien Chan applied to beauty treatments have surprising effects. For this reason, it is important to study the original technique of facial reflexology and not a watered-down version that does not take into account the multi-reflexology dimension and the correct gestural technique.
It is true that we are heavily copied, so train at the source!

We developed Chan❜beauté in 2006 and have never stopped researching since then. The experience of our certified teachers and the feedback from professionals invite us to continue sharing the method's progress with as many people as possible.

Chan❜beauté App

We have even produced an application called the "interactive Chan❜beauté magazine". To discover it, go to

› If you have not yet had the chance to take a course with a member of our team, start by soaking up the advice contained in the free file

› We also offer videos, booklets, and articles that will be of great pedagogical use to you throughout your journey.

› Nevertheless, check the, as there may be a training session in your area or an online workshop that may motivate you.

By treating the inner balance, we awaken our outer beauty.

If you already practice Dien Chan, Chan❜beauté invites you to rediscover the reflection schemes by giving them a new meaning for aesthetic purposes.
Your multireflex tools open up a wide range of possibilities and will improve known aesthetic protocols.
By stimulating the blood and lymphatic microcirculation, nutrients can resurface to nourish the epidermis.
This is why we strongly recommend always starting an aesthetic treatment with a Chan❜beauté protocol! This way, the active principles of the products applied afterwards are reinforced.

There is no single beauty!

Let's not seek eternal youth, but rather learn to age gracefully while erasing some unattractive signs.

All of our students concerned about the appearance of their skin have confessed to us that they have saved money on "creams" by replacing them with a natural treatment simply using a yin roller or a small yang ball.
They refer to the use of Chan❜beauté's multireflex tools.
Since we consume far less, we can claim from the outset higher quality cosmetics.

To learn more about Chan❜beauté, go to